Recently the Knights of Columbus concluded its 142nd Supreme Convention, which took place in Quebec City, Canada. Over 2,500 Knights and family members gathered to pray together, celebrate past accomplishments, and be renewed in their fraternal zeal to forward the mission of the Order’s founder, Blessed Michael McGivney. I have had the pleasure of attending this international event several times, along with my brother knights and families from the District of Columbia, and this year my wife and I were able to bring our son with us for the first time. The centerpiece of each year’s convention is the annual report of the Supreme Knight, where he not only reviews the past year’s accomplishments, but also delivers a pertinent message. This year, the Supreme Knight challenged us to remain “On Mission.” This phrase is no stranger to me, or anyone associated with the Center, as it was chosen as the name of our premier podcast. I couldn’t help but smile as this phrase I have heard, and have taken to heart, was being used in another organization that I have dedicated so much time and energy to. Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly reminded us that it is our duty as Catholics to witness the hope that comes from Jesus Christ. It was what led Blessed Michael McGivney, a parish priest, to found the Knights of Columbus – that through the small group that banded together at the Order’s founding, the Lord would do great things. This phrase of being “On Mission” has centered me over the years, especially with regards to my formation as a Catholic man – first as a college student figuring out his way in the world, then as a young adult venturing in the workspace, and now as a husband and father. It ties everything back to our baptismal call as Catholics – to go forth and to serve, to evangelize, and to bring others closer to Christ and his Church. This mission may sound lofty, unattainable, or even overwhelming. How can I do all of this and still be of the world? Isn’t this something for the theologians, the priests, and the religious who devote their entire lives to this mission? In short, the answer is no. Groups like the Knights of Columbus, and indeed the Catholic Apostolate Center, are here to make this mission that we have been given easier to accomplish. The work will never be finished. However, we can continue to remain On Mission together, not alone. Through the resources and guidance that places like the Center provide and through the fraternity that groups like the Knights of Columbus provide, we can make this mission not only attainable, but perhaps even accomplished. In conclusion, I leave you with the encouragement to not go on this mission alone. I believe Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly sums it up best: “…we trust in the Living God who holds the future in his hands. He will guide us, as he did our forefathers. And like them, he calls us to go on mission.”
Formation for mission is for Christ’s mission, not ours. It is not “my ministry,” “my apostolate,” or “my mission.” A disciple of Christ does not speak in this way. It is Christ’s mission that we are given a share in through Baptism – his mission as priest, prophet, and king (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1241). Keeping ourselves centered on Christ is done through prayer and formation. Formation as a missionary disciple or apostle of Christ is ongoing and lifelong. Only after our last breath on this side of life, we will be finished in our formation for mission. As members of the Body of Christ, the Church, we are sent forth for him so that others may come to encounter Christ through what we say and do. The witness of the baptized matters. Many can come to Christ through our sharing in his mission and many can be driven away from Christ if we make it “my mission.” Our personal mission is fleeting, Christ’s is eternal. Where the “my” comes in is when we discern how we are called to live our share in the mission of Christ. That is personal and unique for each one of us. Each of us is gifted by the Holy Spirit with charisms and talents that can serve the Church and the world in a way that can bring others to deeper encounter with Christ in and through his Church. Where the “my” also enters in is through our forming others for mission, not as our followers, but as apostles of Christ who are sent for him. Forming for mission takes time, commitment, effort, prayer, and the grace of God. We at Catholic Apostolate Center invite you to use our resources to assist in formation of you and others as apostles of Christ for the Church and for world. May the charity of Christ urge us on! In God, the Infinite Love, Fr. Frank
The Eucharistic Revival (2022-2024), with the Eucharistic Congress this past July in Indianapolis, revived, expanded, and deepened my love for the Eucharist – and in some surprising ways. “The heart of the Eucharistic celebration are the bread and wine that, by the words of Christ and the invocation of the Holy Spirit, become Christ’s Body and Blood.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 1333). We believe the “substance” of the bread and wine are changed into the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, of Jesus. And yet, the bread and the wine – the outward signs – “continue to signify the goodness of creation.” I want to share with you three outward signs of my revived love for the Eucharist. First, there is Adoration. I was 11 years old when Vatican II ended. I remember benediction and recall going to 40 hours in front of the Blessed Sacrament. As I grew in faith, I was drawn much more to Scripture. I would read, study, and pray with the Bible. Adoration was not an outward sign until the Eucharistic Revival. One day, over breakfast before a meeting, I was talking to my friend in mission, Diane. She shared her practice of Adoration. Once a week, she would go to adoration, where she listened to what the Lord had to say and journaled what she heard. It changed her life and paved the way for her dedication to mission. Previously, I was resistant to Adoration. My wife and I went to adoration during the March for Life and found it loud and off-putting. It felt more like a praise and worship service than adoring Jesus in the Eucharist. In the hour-plus we had committed to, there was less than 10 minutes of silence. But Diane’s simple, almost matter of fact, witness to the power of Adoration broke through my resistance. A few weeks after my conversation with Diane, I met missionaries for a weekday Mass. I arrived early and found myself sitting near the tabernacle. As I was praying, I “heard” a distinct invitation to “come closer.” As I approached, I noticed chairs before the tabernacle. I sat and pondered the simplicity, and the profundity, of the Eucharist. I love movies and images. Jesus of Nazareth, The Passion of Christ, and The Chosen are moving films on the life of Jesus. I have many images of Jesus that are like photos of a dear friend. And yet, with all the connection these evoke in me, they are nothing compared to the Eucharist. I may be deeply moved by the crucifix hanging above the altar – like the San Damiano Cross that sparked the conversion of St. Francis of Assisi – but it is nothing compared to the Eucharist. They all point to Jesus. The Eucharist is Jesus. Second, I prepare for Mass. I fast and pray with the Sunday Readings. I listen to Bishop Barron’s homily or other homilists. I review the past week – both highs and lows – and consider the week ahead. These prayers, along with our financial gift, become my offering. This is how I bring “all that I have” to the Lord and, joining with others, offer the simple gifts of bread and wine – fruit of the earth, and work of human hands. Third, I participate in Mass on a deeper level. Since I pray the Sunday Readings before Mass, I listen much better. The readings become like a Lectio Divina. What am I noticing while hearing this? What is the Lord saying to me, now, in this Mass about who I am and who he is calling me to become? Having heard other homilies, I am curious – and frequently surprised – at a totally different message as I listen closely to the homily. There is only one Word of God, but no number of words can exhaust him. I am also more attentive to the priest. He prays over the bread and wine – “send down your Spirit like the dewfall, so that they may become for us the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Through the “words of institution,” I join with Jesus and his apostles at the Last Supper doing what he commanded – take, eat, drink, remember. When Father elevates the Body of Christ, I pray with Saint Thomas the Apostle, “My Lord, and my God.” I do the same for the chalice. As he continues the Eucharistic prayer, I remember the cloud of witnesses – my parents, all the angels and saints, and especially Mary, the mother of Jesus – who join us in this perfect prayer of Thanksgiving. Adoration, preparation, and participation in Mass are three ways the Revival strengthened my love for the Eucharist. There will be more. I believe the bishops will continue to invite us to deepen our love for the Eucharist, so we, in turn, will go forth in mission. Revived and reviving! A month ago, I had the privilege to be one of the more than fifty thousand people who attended the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, Indiana. I was also one of over one hundred archdiocesan staff, priests, and parishioners from the Archdiocese of Baltimore who attended the Congress. I could wax poetically about the beauty of the liturgies, the depth that the speakers provided, or the awe-inspiring nature of Eucharistic Adoration with fifty thousand people in Lucas Oil Stadium. All these aspects of the Congress were amazing and worth noting, but I cannot focus on those aspects alone; we cannot focus on those aspects alone. If all we remember from the Congress is the Congress itself, and not how the Lord made our hearts burn within us on the road, then all we did was waste thousands of man hours and millions of dollars to throw Jesus the coolest party ever. I loved Matt Maher leading worship at Saturday night Adoration and running into friends in the expo hall, but the reason I am so convinced that revival has already begun is because of the events I attended before and after the Congress and the young people I spent time with throughout the duration of the Congress. Before the Congress, I spent three days with three hundred Asian Pacific Island Catholics from around the country at a national gathering hosted by the USCCB. Through the cultural presentations, bread broken, and keynotes, the moments of greatest impact were the Eucharistic Liturgies which gathered our group around the altar of sacrifice in common worship. Liturgies celebrated by bishops, planned by young people, and prayed by members of the API community of varying age ranges, geographical homes, and cultural families reminded us of the centrality of the Eucharist within our faith and that we are truly one in Christ who makes us one by our reception of Holy Communion. Immediately after the Congress ended, I traveled to Rome with my Center colleagues Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. and Sarah Scalfaro as we facilitated a gathering of Youth Coordinators from the Society of the Catholic Apostolate. How fitting to go from talking about Jesus in the Eucharist and the essential missionary dimension of the Christian life and Eucharistic faith to then leading youth ministers in reflection and planning to inspire the young people they serve in their home regions and provinces? Each day of the meeting was grounded in Mass and Eucharistic Adoration, a reminder that, without Jesus, none of our efforts would or could bear fruit in our individual realities. While these two events have convinced me that revival is afoot, I am most convinced by the young people I spent much of the Congress with. By God’s grace, a handful of my former students from The Catholic University of America were at the Congress, either assisting at the CatholicU booth or just attending for their own spiritual growth. This group of young people are, above all things, loved by God very much and they live out their faith in such a way that they show that love to all whom they encounter. Of these students, four continue their journeys at CatholicU, growing in faith and striving for virtue as they continue their collegiate journeys. One wants to pursue Law and has been growing in faith through ministry, another through leadership with the Campus Knights of Columbus Council, and another as he pursues business and seeks to bring the best of business to the ecclesial world. One of these students, who worked for me early in my tenure on staff at CatholicU, now prepares to head into the working world as a nurse, bringing the love and mercy of Christ to those in physical need. Three of the others embark on long-term service in one way or another, domestic and abroad. I think back to the moments I spent with these young missionary disciples; meals and moments in worship shared, jokes told, crowds wandered through, and in every moment, I find hope. I see a group of young people who love the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and, in their own unique ways as ordained by God, are striving to bring Him to the world they find themselves in. Whethr serving in ministry at CatholicU, entering the workforce, or taking on opportunities for service to the poor and vulnerable, all of these young adults are fueled by the Eucharist, seek Him in Adoration, and share Him with the world through their lives of mercy and love. These events and these young people are what prove to me that revival has begun. Not the bright lights, big stage, and nice music. No, the proof is in the people who gather around the Eucharistic Table despite barriers in their way. The proof is in the priests and religious who gather with the aim of bringing youth closer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus around the world. The proof is in the young people who love and serve the Lord in all that they do, in the circumstances they find themselves in. This is renewal, this is revival. Let there be Eucharistic revival, and let it start in me.
“What is truth?” (John 18:38). That short and, on the surface, simple question that Pilate asked Jesus is a question that is all too familiar to the hearts of many people today. In this world, we are surrounded by “truths,” each promising their own way to honor, peace, prosperity, and ultimate happiness as the fulfillment of one’s desires. We live in a world that says, “you have your truth, and I have my truth,” with each person striving after happiness on their own terms. However, when each person searches after their own truth, there is no real absolute truth. In fact, there is no truth at all, only a myriad sea of endless self-satisfaction. In this darkness we find ourselves today, a shining star and exemplar can be found in the life and spirit of the early thirteenth-century saint, Dominic de Guzmán, whom the Church celebrates today. St. Dominic, a man filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit, knew the Truth as an incarnate person, Jesus Christ. He so loved Truth itself, that he lived to set the world aflame with love for and knowledge of it. St. Dominic, a wise and learned man, who was known for selling his expensive books to provide for the poor, left us no writings of his own. Instead, we know everything about the life of this holy man from those who knew him best and from the living witness of the order he founded, the Order of Preachers - the Dominicans. One of the mottos of the Dominican Order is “Laudare, Benedicere, Praedicare.” In English, this means, “To Praise, To Bless, To Preach,” and it was in this manner of constant praising, blessing, and preaching that Dominic lived his life. While traveling through Southern France, St. Dominic was devastated to see that the region had been consumed by the Albigensian heresy. The Albigensians believed that the material world was evil, and that only the spirit world was good. For them, God could never have become flesh. The Incarnation and the Crucifixion were only illusions for them. St. Dominic was beset with grief for these people; they had been deceived away from the Truth he loved. Rather than abandon those who had fallen to this error, St. Dominic so loved them that he began preaching against this heresy in 1205. For a man who was known to speak only to God or about God, he had little success in stopping Albigensianism in his time. Undeterred by failure, St. Dominic had a grand vision for the future of the small band of preachers he had gathered to himself. In a time when preaching primarily focused on morals and priests were quite uneducated in dogmas of the Faith, Dominic wanted his preachers to be studious and well-educated to combat heresy in service to the Church. Study then, is one of the Dominican’s most powerful tools, and it is also their life-sustaining nourishment. In study, one allows themself to draw so closely to the Truth, that their minds are illumined with the Light of Christ. In sacred study, one does not discover the Truth; rather, study opens one’s heart to receive it. Not too long after founding the Order of Preachers in 1215, Dominic, having his brothers gathered in Toulouse, France, announced that he was sending them out to preach and establish Dominican houses throughout Europe. Dominic knew that when the Truth had made its dwelling in one’s heart, it cannot be locked away there, or in Toulouse for that matter. Filled with the love and knowledge of God in their hearts, Dominic sent his brothers off to set the world on fire. Armed with the praise of God on their lips, they became a blessing to all they encountered, sanctifying the world around them, through the preaching of the Truth that is Jesus Christ, whom they preached till death. The fruits of this sending forth are evident in my own life. I am blessed to live right across the street from the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C. where the friars receive much of their formation. From there, Truth sets to work in their hearts in many different expressions, be that in a new episode of the Godsplaining podcast, some bluegrass from the Hillbilly Thomists, or the ministry of my own chaplaincy at The Catholic University of America, the fruits of today’s Dominicans are countless. However, all of them have their source in the spirituality of one traveling preacher from northern Spain. May we all learn from the example of St. Dominic, who lived his life to praise, to bless, and to preach in the name of the Truth that he loved. St. Dominic, pray for us!
“To discern is to open ourselves to God revealing Godself to us. It results in making decisions within the context of a personal relationship with God, nourished regularly by prayer. It is a search to understand more clearly.” -Brother Vincent Pelletier F.S.C. The popularity of the word discernment seems to have skyrocketed in Catholic circles in recent years. Discernment has always been linked to discerning one’s lifelong vocation to married, single, or religious life. Discernment has also been linked—especially recently—to more short-term decisions such as what to study in college, what job to accept, and even more mundane choices within one’s daily life. Many times, young people—myself included for many years in the past—want to tackle the question of lifelong discernment head on, determining their vocation as quickly as possible. This, however, cuts off the central aspect of discernment which is a long-term personal relationship with God. Instead of looking at discernment from the top down, one must examine their daily life, decisions, and prayer life to allow God to show them the path to their lifelong vocation. When I was in college, I was racked by pressure to determine my lifelong vocation to either married, single, or religious life. At the time, I understood that the heart of discernment was taking decisions to God in my prayer life, but all I could focus on was finding the result. In reality, the way to go about discernment is to maintain constant communication with God, to consistently acknowledge His Holy Presence in your life and bring your day-to-day life into your prayers. God presents Himself to us through innumerable ways on any given day, and a cornerstone of prayer is noticing Him there. If, however, you were like me in college worrying about the final result instead of an actionable next step, it is easy to miss God and lose out on quality discernment. It is only through regular prayer that God can reveal Himself clearly to us. Prayer has the power to make sense of the chaos that rules our lives in the twenty-first century. A meditation or Examen in the morning or evening can lead one to see God’s personal actions daily and enable us to bring God into our lives more actively. Retreats—whether a day-long, weekend long, or self-paced at-home retreats—can allow us to break down longer stints of our lives, see God’s presence, and reorient us for larger decisions that might be facing us. Once I realized that my larger vocation questions were not going to be answered unless I discerned daily, it allowed me to become more attuned with God and deepen my prayer life. I began to see how God was strengthening me as a boyfriend, fiancé, and now husband to support and be supported by my now wife. Additionally, by focusing my prayer on the daily actions of my studying and student-teaching internships and being the best teacher I could be, I was able to see how God works in and through me in my career. This realization enabled me to be confident in a career decision that was not something I would have considered when I was beginning my undergraduate experience. As many have said before, God rarely comes to us in beatific visions with clear instructions on how to live our lives for Him. Instead, Jesus comes to us through people and events around us, hoping to guide us along the way of life. Discernment is looking for trail markers that Jesus leaves for us; we are looking to understand the roadmap He laid out for us.
September 2024