About the Blog

Ad Infinitam - Latin words containing the infinite. What do they mean? And why are they the name of the Catholic Apostolate Center blog?
Our blog name comes from four letters which were at the top of every letter that the Center’s patron St. Vincent Pallotti would write: A.I.D.G., Ad Infinitam Dei Gloriam (For the Infinite Glory of God).*
St. Vincent wrote these four letters to remind him and his readers that all that is done is not for our glory, but for God’s. As many will recognize, this usage is an adaptation of Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (For the Greater Glory of God) from St. Ignatius of Loyola. Why infinite? Because of Pallotti’s deep experience of God as Infinite Love, a love which is infinitely communicated to us, and in which we are called to respond.
The infinitely communicable God of Infinite Love works in and through us to communicate this love to the world. The logo of the Catholic Apostolate Center, containing the Infinity Cross, is a meditation on the communication to us of the Infinite Love of the Trinity through the Word become flesh: Jesus Christ, and his great unmerited sacrificially loving gift for us on the cross, a cross that in the logo is opened ended, open to Infinite Love being spread to all points of the world through us.
Through this blog, the Catholic Apostolate Center invites you to live A.I.D.G. — For the Infinite Glory of God. It is our hope that the Ad Infinitum blog invites you into deeper awareness of you faith, ongoing conversion, and a greater commitment to be apostles - also known as missionary disciples. As we are infinitely loved, may we grow more and more to infinitely love.
*When used in the phrase“Ad Infinitam Dei Gloriam,” an “a” is used instead of a “u” in “Infinitum” in order to correspond with “gloriam” which it modifies.
Our blog name comes from four letters which were at the top of every letter that the Center’s patron St. Vincent Pallotti would write: A.I.D.G., Ad Infinitam Dei Gloriam (For the Infinite Glory of God).*
St. Vincent wrote these four letters to remind him and his readers that all that is done is not for our glory, but for God’s. As many will recognize, this usage is an adaptation of Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (For the Greater Glory of God) from St. Ignatius of Loyola. Why infinite? Because of Pallotti’s deep experience of God as Infinite Love, a love which is infinitely communicated to us, and in which we are called to respond.
The infinitely communicable God of Infinite Love works in and through us to communicate this love to the world. The logo of the Catholic Apostolate Center, containing the Infinity Cross, is a meditation on the communication to us of the Infinite Love of the Trinity through the Word become flesh: Jesus Christ, and his great unmerited sacrificially loving gift for us on the cross, a cross that in the logo is opened ended, open to Infinite Love being spread to all points of the world through us.
Through this blog, the Catholic Apostolate Center invites you to live A.I.D.G. — For the Infinite Glory of God. It is our hope that the Ad Infinitum blog invites you into deeper awareness of you faith, ongoing conversion, and a greater commitment to be apostles - also known as missionary disciples. As we are infinitely loved, may we grow more and more to infinitely love.
*When used in the phrase“Ad Infinitam Dei Gloriam,” an “a” is used instead of a “u” in “Infinitum” in order to correspond with “gloriam” which it modifies.