Definition of Lay Eccesial Ministry:
A subset of lay ministers, are men and women who have been called to ecclesial service, to serve publicly in the local church through the authorization of the hierarchy, by being placed in a leadership role in a particular area of ministry, working inclose mutual collaboration in the pastoral ministry of bishops, priests, and deacons, while undergoing professional preparation and formation appropriate to the level of responsibilities that are assigned to them (1).
Recent Webinar: Co-Responsibility & Conflict Management: Some Resources for Ministers
Drawing upon insights from theologian Dr. Ann Garrido in her book Redeeming Conflict: 12 Habits for Christian Leaders, this presentation focused on some of the human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral dimensions of the skills of conflict literacy and management, and considered opportunities for small and large group conversation about how they might apply in your ministry context.
Scriptual references
Genesis 1:26-31; Numbers 11: 10-30; Exodus: 18: 13-27; Matthew 4:19-21,16:18-19,18:20,25:14-23, 28: 16-20: Mark 16:15; Luke 6:13, 9, 22:26-27,24; John 1:4, 4, 15-17, 21: 15-22; Acts 2, 15; Galatians 6, 2:10; 1 Cor. 12, 9:19; Romans 1, 10, 12, 16-18; 2 Timothy 1; Ephesians 1:4, 4: 7-16; Colossians 1:24-29; 1 Peter 2:5-10, 4:7-11, 5:3; Phil.2:8-9;1 Thess. 4:3;
Church References
The Promotion of the Vocation and Mission of the Lay Faithful in the Church of the United States. A Report to the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops at the International Meeting “Formation and Promotion of the Laity: Best Practices” 26-28 September 2018
Rejoice and Be Glad (GE), Pope Francis
Joy of the Gospel (EG), Francis
Research Review: Lay Ecclesial Ministers in the United States, CARA
Has “Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord” achieved its intended purpose 15 years out? By Jeff Andrini, D.Min
National Association for Lay Ministry
USCCB, Laity Page
USCCB, Lay Ecclesial Ministry Page
2015 Lay Ecclesial Ministry Summit
USCCB, Lay Ecclesial Ministry FAQs
Presentation video from USCCB, 2015 Lay Ecclesial Ministry Summit
USSCB, Lay Ecclesial Ministry: The State Of The Questions
USCCB, Called and Gifted for the Third Millennium
Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord: a Resource for Guiding the Development of Lay Ecclesial Ministry, USCCB
The Lay Members of Christ’s Faithful People (CL), John Paul II
Decree on the Apostolate of the Lay People (AA), Paul VI
Light of the Nations (LG), Paul VI, 9-17, 27-28, 30-42
Code of Canon Law (Can.): Canon 208-329, Canon 515-530, Canon 607-709 and Canon 710-730
Catechism of the Catholic Church, nos. 782-786, 794-795, 863-865, 871-873, 897-913, 928-929, 934, 940-943, 1141-1144, 1174-1178, 1213-1321, 1533-1535, 1546, 1591, 1601-1664, 1669, 1877-1948, 1934-1935, 2225-2231, 2442
Rejoice and Be Glad (GE), Pope Francis
Joy of the Gospel (EG), Francis
Research Review: Lay Ecclesial Ministers in the United States, CARA
Has “Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord” achieved its intended purpose 15 years out? By Jeff Andrini, D.Min
National Association for Lay Ministry
USCCB, Laity Page
USCCB, Lay Ecclesial Ministry Page
2015 Lay Ecclesial Ministry Summit
USCCB, Lay Ecclesial Ministry FAQs
Presentation video from USCCB, 2015 Lay Ecclesial Ministry Summit
USSCB, Lay Ecclesial Ministry: The State Of The Questions
USCCB, Called and Gifted for the Third Millennium
Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord: a Resource for Guiding the Development of Lay Ecclesial Ministry, USCCB
The Lay Members of Christ’s Faithful People (CL), John Paul II
Decree on the Apostolate of the Lay People (AA), Paul VI
Light of the Nations (LG), Paul VI, 9-17, 27-28, 30-42
Code of Canon Law (Can.): Canon 208-329, Canon 515-530, Canon 607-709 and Canon 710-730
Catechism of the Catholic Church, nos. 782-786, 794-795, 863-865, 871-873, 897-913, 928-929, 934, 940-943, 1141-1144, 1174-1178, 1213-1321, 1533-1535, 1546, 1591, 1601-1664, 1669, 1877-1948, 1934-1935, 2225-2231, 2442
Possible Questions to Further Unpack:
How is Lay Ecclesial Ministry woven through scripture?
See above; Co-Workers, 66-67
What is the difference between laity and lay ecclesial ministry?
EG: 102 -103 ; Co-Workers: 10-11, 25-26, Catechism of the Catholic Church, 874-949; CL:1-3, 15-19, 23-26, 32-36, 51, 55-56; LG: 30-42; AA:10-14
How can understanding an individual's charism strengthen the role of a Lay ecclesial minister within the church?
CV: 206-208, 286, 288; EG: 130 -131; International Association of the Faithful, Directory: Preface; Co-Workers: 9, 12, 18, 25-26, 28-30; Catechism of the Catholic Church: 910, Can. 201-231; CL: 20-27, 32, 55; LG 4,7, 12, 30; AA: 3
How can the church better integrate lay ecclesial ministry into her mission?
EG: 102 -103, 169-173; GE: 19-24; Research Review: Lay Ecclesial Ministers in the United States; Co-Workers: 6, 8-10, 19, 25-30, 66-67; Executive Summary The Next Generation of Pastoral Leaders; Catechism of the Catholic Church: 906-913, Can: 201-231, CL:1-3, 15-19, 23-26, 32-36, 51, 55-56; LG: 19-20, 30-42
What distinguishes the role of lay ecclesial ministry from the vocation to priesthood and the office of pastor?
CV: 246; EG: 102 -103, 169-173; Research Review: Lay Ecclesial Ministers in the United States, 12-13 Has “Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord” achieved its intended purpose 15 years out? By Jeff Andrini, D.Min.: 2-3; Co-Workers, 6, 10 20-25, 61-62; Can: 201-231, 515-529; CL:1-3, 15-19, 23-26, 32-36, 51, 55-56; LG: 31-42; AA: 20-27
How can the clergy and Lay Ecclesial Ministers better collaborate within the Church? What are some ways that I/we can work toward the collaboration called for in Co-Workers among LEMs, bishops, priests, deacons, and laity?
EG: 102 -103, 169-173; Has “Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord” achieved its intended purpose 15 years out? By Jeff Andrini, D.Min.: 2-3; Co-Workers: 7, 12, 18-25, 28-29, 54-56, 61-62; Catechism of the Catholic Church: 906-913; Can: 201-231; CL:1-3, 15-19, 23-26, 32-36, 51, 55-56; LG: 31-42; AA: 20-27
How do all members participate in the mission of Christ?
CV: 50, 216-220; GE: 19-24; EG: 102 -103, 169-173; Catechism of the Catholic Church: 897-913, 863-865, 2442; Co-Workers: 66-67; Catechism of the Catholic Church: 906-913, 928-940; CL:1-3, 18-19, 23, 25, 26, 32-36, 51; LG 30-42; AA: 2
How can the Church provide a more holistic formation process for the Lay Ecclesial Ministers? How do Human, Spiritual, Intellectual, Pastoral and Intercultural formation strengthen lay ministry?
EG: 102 -103, 169; The Promotion of the Vocation and Mission of the Lay Faithful in the Church of the United States, The USA Report: 22-23; Co-Workers: 33-53; CL: 59-63; AA: 28-32
What are Lay Ecclesial Ministers’rolesin the responds to the sexual abuse crises?
CV, 95-110; The Promotion of the Vocation and Mission of the Lay Faithful in the Church of the United States, The USA Report: 21