The entirety of The Art of Accompaniment is available to read here online!
Living as Missionary Disciples - Accompany: Julianne Stanz
Art of Mentorship: A Catholic Apostolate Center Guide to Mentorship for Young Adults
A free resource from the Catholic Apostolate Center to help those who are Young Adults learn the best processes and practices of mentorship. In it are helpful and practical tips on how to identify and work with a mentor in a spiritually fulfilling and joy filled journey. Whether you are seeking a mentor for a short or long time, finding someone to help young adults grow into their lifelong vocation is something all who believe in accompaniment will find valuable.
National Leadership Forum on Ministry with Young Adults Presentations
Accompaniment and COVID-19
Ways to Accompany Others During COVID-19
This webinar focuses on ways in which Catholic leaders can accompany those in their parishes, dioceses, and organizations during this uncertain time. The webinar is presented by Center Director Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C., Center Advisor and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies at The Catholic University of America, Dr. Susan Timoney, and Assistant Secretary of Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns for the Archdiocese of Washington, Jonathan Lewis. The webinar is moderated by Center Project Coordinator Brian Rhude.
Center Coordinator of Formation Programs, Colleen Campbell, talks with Bridget Richardson, with the Nesti Center for Faith & Culture about what it looks like to accompany others during COVID-19.
A conversation with three Archdiocese of Washington leaders discussing ways to accompany parishioners during this time of COVID-19.
PASTORAL care and evangelization during covid-19
Join Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. and Very Rev David Caron, OP, Vicar of Evangelization, Archdiocese of New Orleans discuss some practices and advice for pastoral care. Additionally, they discuss the documents below that you can view as resources from the Archdiocese of New Orleans.
Strategies for Handling Remote Work During COVID-19
Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. of the Catholic Apostolate Center and Matthew Manion Faculty Director of Villanova University Center for Church Management discuss how to handle working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Strategies for Handling Remote Work During COVID-19 PowerPoint Presentation |
Communication STRATEGIES For Times of Crisis
John Grosso from the Diocese of Bridgeport discusses strategies for communication during a crisis such as this one. This webinar includes ideas for handling communications to Catholics in a parish or diocese along with tips on conducting a successful livestream
Presentations and Discussions of Accompaniment
Art of Accompaniment: Humanity as Medium for EvangelizatioN
In Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis invites the Church to learn and practice the “art of accompaniment” (169). In this presentation, Center Coordinator of Formation Programs Colleen Campbell will explore how the art of accompaniment allows us to use the gifts of our humanity as a medium for fruitful and compassionate evangelization. In addition, we will consider how accompaniment calls us to be good stewards of the gift of our own humanity through ongoing formation and self-care.
Center Director Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. moderates a panel of Center collaborators Colleen Campbell and Thomas Carani; Center Project Coordinator Brian Rhude; and Center Advisor Dr. Susan Timoney on the topic of The Art of the Accompaniment at the Mid-Atlantic Congress 2020.
Center Director Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. presided at the Friday Mass at the 2020 Mid-Atlantic Congress. His homily encourages us to contemplate Who Accompanies Us?
Invited to speak to the General Assembly of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops by the Secretariat for Laity, Marriage, Family Life, and Youth, Brian Rhude, Project Coordinator for the Catholic Apostolate Center, gave a presentation on his experience of Accompaniment and his view of Christus Vivit.
Unpacking the Art of Accompaniment
Join us as we begin to unpack our newest publication with the authors of The Art of Accompaniment to provide insights, observations, and suggestions on ways to build a culture of encounter in our Church today.
What is Accompaniment? Following the Synod on Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment, as well as Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Christus Vivit, the Church is reflecting on how we can best "walk with" young people on their journey of life and faith. Join the Catholic Apostolate Center LIVE on Facebook with Colleen Campbell, Tom Carani, and Brian Rhude to discuss this important topic, how the Center is responding, and how you can best implement practical ideas in your ministry.
On April 2, Pope Francis released his Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation "Christus Vivit" (Christ is Alive!). It is addressed to young people and all the People of God. Join the Catholic Apostolate Center as we delve into this document and how it can help all members of the Church, especially young people, deepen their encounter with Christ in and through the community of faith.
Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C., Director of the Catholic Apostolate Center and Jonathan Lewis, Auditor of the Synod and Assistant Secretary for Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns at the Archdiocese of Washington break the document open and discuss its implications for the Church today |
CCCB Series--Encounters in Hope
In April 2022, the Office for Evangelization and Catechesis of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops hosted a webinar series, titled Encounters of Hope: The Process of Evangelization in our Daily Lives, inviting leaders of catechesis and evangelization to participate in a national discussion on hope, encounter, and the process of evangelization. A call to take stock and reflect on our approaches in ministry, the four recorded sessions of Encounters of Hope provide starting points for:
View the entire webinar series here. |
Founding Director, Fr. Frank Donio, hosted the second webinar of the series focused on Accompaniment.
Podcast on Accompaniment
On Mission: accompaniment during covid-19
Fr. Frank, Kate, and Chris discuss their current situations during COVID-19 and how they are accompanying the people in their lives during this time.
reflection: communio during covid-19
Center Project Coordinator, Brian Rhude, reflections on how we can create communio during this time of a global pandemic.
Art of Accompaniment Retreat
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Key Documents on Accompaniment:
The Art of Accompaniment
The Art of Accompaniment
The Art of Accompaniment: Theological, Spiritual, and Practical Elements of Building a More Relational Church, is a resource from the Catholic Apostolate Center which assists in the development of true accompaniment within the Church Today. Building on the Church's rich history of accompaniment, The Art of Accompaniment makes theological and practical elements come to life and easily attainable. |
The Art of Accompaniment Discussion and Reflection Guide
The Art of Accompaniment Discussion and Reflection Guide is designed to be used in conjunction with The Art of Accompaniment: Theological, Spiritual, and Practical Elements of Building a More Relational Church, a Catholic Apostolate Center resource, to help an individual or small group come to a greater understanding of the Apostolate of Accompaniment. |
Get both The Art of Accompaniment and its Discussion and Reflection Guide at a discount!
Videos about Accompaniment
Accompaniment and spiritual mentorship
Brian Rhude, Project Coordinator for the Catholic Apostolate Center, and Alison Young, Catholic University Student, collaborated to create this video for their The Catholic University America class project TRS 359: Teenagers: The Church Today and Tomorrow.
spiritual ACCOMPANIMENT of high school students
Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C., presented at The Catholic University of America and the Catholic Apostolate Center's day-long Conference for Campus Ministers, geared towards assisting High School Campus Ministers. In speaking about the Spiritual Accompaniment of High Schoolers, Fr. Frank addressed the necessity and models of mentorship and accompaniment.
Missionary discipleship: meeting other on the road what to do
Fr. Frank Donio S.A.C. and Ms. Margaret Matijasevic discuss how to interact with others through missionary discipleship. Effective witness and vulnerability are discussed as two key factors.
missionary discipleship: catechesis through accompaniment
Fr. Frank Donio S.A.C. and Ms. Margaret Matijasevic discuss how Catechesis is to be viewed through the lens of missionary discipleship and our calling to accompany those on their journey with the Lord.
Son Rise Morning Show and Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. on The Art of Accompaniment
Like Every Disciple: A Guideline for Pastoral Accompaniment
from Archbishop William E. Lori, July 2023
Additional Resources
- Panel: What now? Vocational Discernment and Accompaniment After the 2018 Synod - Podcast
- Catholic Apostolate Center Blog Posts on the Topic of Accompaniment
- V National Encuentro Resources
- Blogcast: Evangelization of Young Adults Through Mentorship
- HORIZON Article: Accompaniment for Discernment By Colleen Campbell and Tom Carani
- Catholic News Service Article: Accompaniment during the trauma of pandemic By Colleen Campbell