Here is the homepage for the Catholic Apostolate Center
Prayer & Catechesis Resources. Click any of the images below to go to one of our dedicated resource pages.
Seasonal Resource Pages
Prayer and Catechesis Resources During COVID-19
Prayer and Catechesis Resources
- Pope Francis' Prayer to Mary
- Archbishop Gomez, President of the USCCB, Reflection and Prayer
- USCCB Coronavirus Prayer Card
- USCCB Prayer for the Protection of Conscious Rights in Healthcare Workers
- Archdiocese of Washington Dispensation and Prayers
- Magnificat -- offered for free online
- Word Among Us -- complimentary access
- USCCB Seven Resources to Bring Faith into the Home
- USCCB COVID-19 Resources for Migrants and Immigrants
- Bulletin from the Dicastery for Integral Human Development from the Vatican
- Pope Francis’ COVID-19 Emergency Fund for the Pontifical Mission Societies
- Cardinal Farrell: We are one family
- USCCB Ideas for Parents now Homeschooling with Children who have Diverse Learning Needs
- USCCB Continuity of Learning and Community Plan for Parents and Students
- USCCB The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Ministry Amidst A Crisis: COVID-19 and Ministering to and with the Young Church and Their Families
- USCCB Online and Audio Stations of the Cross
- USCCB COVID-19 Resources for Young Adult Ministers
- Archbishop Lori (Baltimore) daily 2-minute reflections
- Virtual Evangelization (Archdiocese of Boston)
- Ignatian Solidarity Network Coronavirus Resource Page
- Resources for Ministry During COVID-19 (V Encuentro)
- Irish Catholic Bishop's Conference Prayer Resources
- Sunday Prayer at Home (Diocese of Harrisburg)
- Five Things Church Leaders Should do about Coronavirus (CatholicPhilly)
- Diocese of St. Petersburg Prayer Resources
- USCCB COVID-19 Prayer of Solidarity
- Acts of Spiritual Communion for Those Who Cannot Attend Mass
- For Your Marriage: Building Family Bonds during Crisis
- Coronavirus revives the old, ushers in the new in Catholic practice (Crux)
- Prayer and Spiritual Life in Times of Stress (SLIconnect)
- Managing Anxiety: How Fear Keeps Us Alive (SLIconnect)
- A Prayer Service for Your Home (Archdiocese of Washington)
- At Home with Your Faith (Archdiocese of Baltimore)
- Light a Candle Online (National Shrine of St. John Neumann)
- COVID-19 Young Adult Ministry Guide (Diocese of Arlington)
- The 4 “P”s of Spiritually Thriving During the Covid-19 Pandemic....Plus One (Archdiocese of New Orleans)
- Prayers for Healing and Relief in a Time of Crisis (Diocese of Providence)
- Diocese of Bridgeport's Resources for Parents
- Ways to Stay Spiritually Engaged at Home from the Diocese of Dallas
- During a Pandemic by Dr. Wicks -- Union of Superiors General
Pastoral and Liturgical Resources
- Strong In Tribulation - Prayer Resources from the Holy See
- USCCB Tips for how to livestream a mass (for churches)
- Pastoral Care for the Families of the Deceased During COVID-19 (Archdiocese of New Orleans)
- Resources to Engage the Elect and Candidates During COVID-19 (Archdiocese of New Orleans)
- Some Best Pastoral Practices in a Time of Covid-19 Coronavirus (Archdiocese of New Orleans)
- Leadership Roundtable Resources for the COVID-19 Crisis
- Parish Phone Call Script: [English] [Spanish]
(Archdiocese of Washington) - Parish Phone Call Script
- Mass in Time of Pandemic Readings: [English] [Spanish]
- Liturgical Resources from the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions (FDLC)
- Way of the Cross (Via Crucis) Presentation in Spanish
- At Home with Your Faith (Archdiocese of Baltimore)
- COVID-19 and Catholic Schools (Archdiocese of Baltimore)
- Educational Resources and Ongoing Discipleship Formation (USCCB)
- Back to School Mental Health and COVID-19 (Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of New York)
- Back to School: The Importance of Routine and How To Establish One (Catholic Schools of Brooklyn and Queens)
- School at Home Resource (Diocese of Albany)
- Academic-Family Resources (Archdiocese of Chicago)
- Educating Families at Home (Archdiocese of Chicago)