We hope you're enjoying your time at the 2019 NCCL Convocation!
The Catholic Apostolate Center provides Online Resources along with Webinars, Blogs, Podcasts, and Consulting Services - assembled through Collaborative Partnerships - for Formation for Evangelization.
Please view some of the resources and programs we host and participate in below!
Living as Missionary Disciples ResourcesThe USCCB Document, Living as Missionary Disciples: A Resource for Evangelization, was published in 2017, and offers principles that ministries, parishes, and individuals can apply to their efforts in evangelization and missionary discipleship within their particular pastoral context and as part of their existing planning process.
Synod Resource PageHaving occurred October 2rd to 28th 2018, out of the Synod on Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment came "Christus Vivit," Pope Francis' Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation. The Synod itself and it's Apostolic Exhortation along with upcoming and previous webinars, blogs, podcasts, and lots of others are available on the Synod Resource Page.
Prayer & Catechesis Resource PageFrom Resources on the evolution of prayer in the Catholic Church to Catechetics and daily prayer assistance, the Prayer & Catechesis Resource Page has a lot to offer for individual and parish growth.
Unpacking Christus VivitFr. Frank Donio, S.A.C., Director of the Catholic Apostolate Center, and Jonathan Lewis, Assistant Secretary for Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns at the Archdiocese of Washington sat down together to talk about Pope Francis' new Apostolic Exhortation addressed to Young People, entitled "Christus Vivit" or "Christ is Alive."
Self Care Resource PageA part of the Center's collaborative effort with Saint Luke Institute and SLIConnect, self care is an important part of any ministerial job. The Self Care for Healthy Ministry Resource Page offers a lot for anyone in any sort of ministry, whether professionally or on a volunteer basis.
¡Esperamos que estés disfrutando de tu tiempo en la Convocatoria NCCL de 2019!
El Centro del Apostolado Católico, en colaboración con las diócesis y otras instituciones, de programas de formación para la Nueva Evangelización, y para los líderes pastorales en la profundización de la colaboración entre sí.